Poate că vă putem ajuta:
With "Quick access" you can bulk download or email the images and documents of the products you have selected. A maximum of 30 products can be added. The technical data sheets have already been selected, but you can also choose to download or email main images, DoPs, etc.
Your personal overview of selected products will be available again on your next visit to the Soudal website (after login). Quick access is only available to registered users after login.
The technical data sheet can be opened or downloaded at the product itself. Via the main menu "Products" you can navigate to the desired product by selecting the product group and further filtering on the left. You can also use "search" if you know the name of the product.
Soudal România
Logistic Park 9
Șoseaua București-Târgoviște 697C
137180 Crevedia